P&G Recalls Antiperspirant Sprays After Cancer-Causing Chemical Found

As we have been warning about for years, personal care/body care products produced by many large companies contain compounds that are hazardous to your health - including containing cancer causing agents. This recent recall by P&G of many of their aerosol deodorants is just the latest example of why you cannot trust your health to these large companies. Continue reading

How Long Can You Manage A Power Outage? (With Tips!)

Only a few days ago, I found myself without power for almost 48 hours. While two days might not seem like a big deal, it turned out to be a bigger ordeal than I imagined. Now you might wonder what does a power outage have to do with health? Everything. We forget how convenient the electric grid makes our lives. Continue reading

California’s Toxic Free Cosmetic Act – A First Domino?

It's downright scary that legislation on personal care products has not been updated in over 80 years! Especially when you realize that the people who use more personal care products are women, which includes pregnant women. As more and more research is showing that what is put on the skin does absorb through into the rest of the body, it is becoming more crucial that we know what is in the personal care products we use. Continue reading

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