Doctors Agree: It’s Time for Tighter Regulation of Personal Care Products

Editor's Note: This republished article supports our position that the incidence of adverse reactions to personal care products in the US is much higher than is generally recognized. We at Nature's Complement tend to prefer education and market-based solutions over heavy handed regulation to solve problems like this, since such regulations tend to have unintended consequences that disadvantage both consumers and small business producers alike. However, with the failure of competence and/or ethics of many companies in the personal care industry, more Continue reading

SPF: What Does It Mean, And Why You Should Care

SPF is neither a number to be taken lightly, nor is it a number you can count on. There’s more to it than just a number that gives an impression of how much protection from the sun you’re getting. But what does that number really mean? And how do manufacturers determine what that number should be? Continue reading

Hungry for Change documentary review

Documentary Review: Hungry for Change I had started writing an article on diets, and why they don't work, with the intent of talking about how meals should be a way of life rather than a fad diet, when I ran across this documentary, and it basically covered a good amount of what I was going to write about. So while I don't normally do movie/documentary reviews, I felt this one was important enough to share. (It turns out there is a book version of this information as well.) Continue reading

Why Your Pet Needs An All Natural Soap Too

What's the first thing your dog or cat does after a bath? Mine lick themselves clean! Yep, all those chemicals used in pet cleaning products go straight into your pets mouth. Lovely huh? I must be honest, sometimes my dogs eat healthier than I, their bed is bigger than mine, relative to their body size, and they don't work half as hard as I do. Continue reading

Do You Really Need A Sunscreen?

If you look at any commercial sunscreens you will see a lot of disclaimers, including that sunscreen does not prevent cancer, and the best approach to protect skin is to avoid the sun by wearing appropriate clothing. That may all be true, but that is not always practical, and that is not the whole story. Here is the rest of the story. So, do you really need a sunscreen? The answer is: Continue reading

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